Großbritannien-Zentrum / Centre for British Studies

"The Centre for British Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The institute, the first of its kind in Germany, conducts comprehensive research and offers teaching, lectures and conferences on a broad interdisciplinary agenda focusing on the United Kingdom. Our interdisciplinary research projects, PhD projects, research colloquia, working papers, as well as lists of publications by the Centre’s staff, can be found on this website. The Centre teaches the international, interdisciplinary and practice oriented “Master in British Studies” (M.B.S.) course. Students from all over the world and with different academic backgrounds study British history, culture and literature, as well as law, politics, business and economics. With its series of conferences on topical aspects of society, the Centre for British Studies intends to encourage debates on current issues concerning both Britain and Germany. The Centre also organises public lectures, such as the popular “Monday Lectures” and the “Stiftung Luftbrückendank”-Lecture. Our Annual Report provides information on the various activities we pursued, the courses offered, the respective students, our research activities, news and events of the previous year."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Berlin, DE <>





Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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